Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Was at my vet earlier to get some stuffs for Fibi.
And! There was the cutest, most adorable, innocent looking pup there!!
Had to play with it~

Apparently, it's ear was bitten by the owner! when the owner was playing with it~ *gasp*
Crazy owner, really!
So kesian~ and it's just a pup~ shy!

Now, I want me a a new pup!!
A Beagle? Jack Russell?


Btw, if any of ya want puppies; leave a comment. Got 6 newly born pups, black, mix of cocker spaniel & spitz and the owner, Vanessa's giving them away. Or they'll just end up in SPCA in a month or so. So, lend a hand if you can kay~

1 comment:

Sook Lee said...

How in the world the owner bit the doggie's ear??!! Violence!