Ok. If yall realised, temporary hiatus going on here. Anyways, I’m hardly posting stuffs these days. My emotional stress is just crazy right now. Speaking of, that’s why I'm here.
Studying is succkkkyyyy... and it’s my TRIALS!!! And I’m very very very unprepared. Got no mood to study and there’s so much to cover! Got an 8 am class tomorrow but I’m not going la. Need my sleep and extra time to study.
Studying is succkkkyyyy... and it’s my TRIALS!!! And I’m very very very unprepared. Got no mood to study and there’s so much to cover! Got an 8 am class tomorrow but I’m not going la. Need my sleep and extra time to study.
I’ve been nerding all weekend and been spending a whole lot of time in my room. =S
I just wanna sit around and do nothing at all. I miss that now. Ughhh..
I miss my yoga classes. I need to relax man!

Oh, remember the dress I found in Forever 21 in Penang? It’s here! In Pavillion; well to be exact it’s at my bestie’s place. but it’s green…Don't know if it’ll look nice. *fingers crossed*
Had to miss my cuzzie’s farewell dinner earlier. Fion’s goin to S'pore this May to work her butt off and be some kiasu person there~ but I’ll be seeing here before she goes. =) Might even follow her down since I’m having a break after my exams~ =D Thing is, I had to also miss my cousins & aunt’s bday celebrations. 3 cousins and my aunt…all APRIL babies! HAPPY BIRTHDAY u guys! Hope yall had a good one~
But I got cake!...haha~ Loads of cake!!! XD
I cleared up some stuffs too.
It really is infatuation. Well, wtv it is; it wouldn't be love. It can’t be any more real. I don’t know what I liked about you. And, i'm thinking pretty hard here. I can’t see anything in common. I can’t see anything really. And to think it lasted that long, I don’t know what to say.
Didn’t know why I wanted you that much anyways. Now I just have to start living without you being a part of my life. Relieve? Amazingly, yes. Just needs getting used to.
Looking back, there’s really nothing much to hold on to. In fact, there’s more to let go of. So why am I still at it? Guess I just got too used to you being around, thinking about you, missing you and what not. Time for a change!
You don't understand me enough. You hardly know my faves and hates. So why did I let you stay? It was more like I had to and not that I wanted to.
Put it this way; I held on to you for all the wrong reasons.
And now I can finally extract you from my life.
On another note: I seriously hate people who are unsincere.
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