Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Rewind all the way to last week.
Really late for this post. far as i can remember...
The weekdays were a bore -___-

Was in Midvalley on Wed after coll~
Wasted most of Thursday and got the conscience to start my studying at some random time.
Not like i did alot of studying after that either.

Stayed in most of Fri & did some studying C=
Mellie came Fri!!!!wid her car!!!!all by herself!!! ....XD
Went yamcha & had the funniest 10 min ride to just yamcha coz we kena saman!! XDD
Why?~coz mellie din on her headlights =.='''' and no "P" sticker =.='''''''''''''
Aihh...but good experince tho...laughed so much after the police left~
Had to pay them 20 bucks if not deep, there goes~

Went for my god grandfather's birthday on Sat...^^
For an 80 year old man; he sure looks a hell lot younger and fit.
Plus the party was till 12.30pm(tat's when i left) and it still went on for close fam members to dance and stuff like that til late~
There were loads of performances by his kids and grandkids~so much more fun than goin to weddings and other functions~
Plus, jokes. Dirty ones too.
Damn; he's open minded. =)

the big fat bday cake!

~free flow of alcohol...(he's malay btw...)

his grandkids doing the replay of "sound of music" for him

:goodies from the party:

::the pressie we bought for him::

*it's Aigner k...don't look down on its size...
both the wallet & pen holder inside cost about RM1000 in total~
*my dad so sampai hati buy *sobs*

::After the party, I went over to Alex's new place in Hartamas~rocks big time k. Big ass bungalow all for himself and the gf. Rich fam la~ damn unfair! esp the gf...hmpphh...
Had a few drinks and Dennis sent me home after~been so long since i met the bunch of frens...

-great nite & luved it till the very end-


Dad had an event at Palace of The Golden Horses on Sunday evening.
So i tagged along in the morning after brunch to check out the setup.

The event was going to be held in this big tent thingy on the grass area.
So i spent quite sometime walking around the big garden while dad was busy doing stuffs.

:haha...we saw this near the carpark...:
-need to go~?...
it's the new toilet where you expose anything and everything~!

Ok. the more proper toilet~


:it was actually meant for the VIP's that were coming that night...
but hahaha...i'm VVIP~i get to sit first!! anywhere i nice of the guy...C=

:wobbly..the carriage was moving too much:

__end of the weekend__

Over the weekend, i watched:

~more of a dissapointment realli...not enough action too~

~really funny..another chic flick that rocks! C=~

~not great..wat's up with sequels these day~???...
they are all startin to suck!...

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