Sunday, June 3, 2007

food ROX~!!!!!

Barely did any studying today and my exams are......6 days away O.o
Got up late~as usual..went for brunch-lunch wateva at ZIPANGU in Shang Hotel

.x. it's Japanese food~my FAVE!!!! .x.

we were there FRIGGIN early so the whole place was damn empty.
CHYI's MIND: YAYSS~!!!-more food for me & no need to queue. =D

.x. table setting .x.

)*( YUMMSSSS )*(

it was pass noon and my dad suddenly said,
"it's very different from Hilton"
..........nobody one"

-was supposed to eat this fish till my dad sed, "ei, this fish is the one with eggs in it rite?"
YUCKSSS~!!!...if my dad din say anythin, i wud have jus makan the whole thing...
but he did so; took me a while to eat it
but wasn't tat bad...
~the eggs are those that u see on sushi-wtv its called....-

.x. everything SWEET & nothing LESS x) .x.

.x. B-R-E-A-K ~luv this pic btw...x.

.x. the amazing FAT strawberries~too bad they din have icing sugar....
-had some weirdo cream that sucked...ble~!!.x.

.x. my ALL TIME FAV!!!! .x.
red bean with green tea ice cream-

.x. on the way in, they had like hundreds and thouasands of wine, sake, champagne and wtv other alcoholic drink possible all on the shelves-it was like HEAVEN~!!! .x.

.x. camwhoring in the toilet .x.

.x. they have like this garden that is super duper P-R-E-T-T-Y!!!!~luv it .x.


went to LEMON GARDEN at Shang too a week ago..din blog bout it so i'm jus gona throw in some pix...

.x. MORE FOOD!!!!~wakakaaka....x.

.x. lurve the deco around the hotel =) .x.

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